The hidden cost of fast fashion

I don’t know what kind of circles you move in, but it feels to me like the whole world is talking about recycling these days. And rightly so. We are hearing how we are filling our oceans with plastic, destroying habitats and wildlife, and (some of us) are desperately trying to find ways to reduce the amount we use. Above all, the message is recycle, recycle, recycle.

A lesser known but escalating global environmental crisis is that of fashion waste. “A predicted 235m items of Britons’ unwanted clothing are expected to end up in landfill unnecessarily this spring, according to new research.”

”This is a tale of over-production and supply, powered by the relentless “fast fashion” system of production that over the past three decades has revolutionised both the way we dress and the way clothing is produced – and not often for the better.” Lucy Siegle - The Guardian

We don’t like how we look, we eat up the lies that tell us to conform to a particular trend or body type, and we keep buying new clothes to try and measure up. But here’s the thing. We never will. And we don’t have to.

You are unique, and you should be able to dress in a way that makes you feel and look great, without damaging our planet or the other people living in it.

When you really understand the colours and styles that work for you, you are able to buy less and love it more.